Acid Digestion Of Iron Ore

Method 3010A: Acid Digestion of Aqueous Samples and …


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Ultra-Trace Analysis of Metals in Mineral Reference …

analytes and digestion method for each ore sample and CRM are summarized in Table 3. Various acid mixtures were used for digestion depending on the nature of the ores. Aqua regia …

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The digestion procedure of iron ore according to a further aspect of the invention, hydrofluorite and nitric acid dosage can be according to the SiO that contains in the quality of iron ore to be measured and the iron ore to be measured 2, Al 2 O 3, TiO 2, W, Sn and indissoluble things such as carbonide, nitride and carbonitride amount and ...

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The sulfuric acid bake and leach route for processing of rare …

El-Hussaini and Mahdy (2002) investigated sulfuric acid digestion of an Egyptian ore containing euxenite, samarskite and fergusonite. The maximum extraction of rare earths was ~65% after digestion at 200 °C for 2 h, with an acid: ore …

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Iron ores — Recommended procedures for iron ore …

Iron ores ? Recommended procedures for iron ore dissolution using either acid digestion or alkali fusion. Minerais de fer ? Méthodes recommandées de dissolution des minerais de fer par digestion acide ou fusion alcaline. Acheter. Suivre. Table des matières. Foreword. 1 Background.

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Leaching of ilmenite to produce titanium based materials: a …

Naturally available ilmenite mineral is being used as a starting material to produce titanium based products that have wide applications. Transformation of ilmenite to different titanium based materials by strong and weak acid, and base digestion, is discussed. Effects of temperature, concentration of acid/base, reaction time on dissolution of ilmenite are …

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Simultaneous Determination of Fluoride and Chloride in Iron Ore …

This study illustrates the extraction of fluoride (F−) and chloride (Cl−) from non-combustible inorganic iron ore matrix by employing steam distillation (SD)-based volatilization process followed by ion chromatographic (IC) determination. This cost-effective, simple and green sample preparation setup involved decomposition of sample matrix in H2SO4 for the …

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The apatite concentrate obtained from the tailings sample of the Zanjan Morvarid iron ore processing plant, located in Iran with dimensions of (mat{d}_{80}=75~mu) m according to Fig. 1, was used to acid leaching and digestion-leaching process experiments.Sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and chloridric acid with a purity of 95, 65 and 37 % …

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Sample preparation techniques for AAS, ICP-OES and …

Hot plate digestion for water samples: a. General procedure: This procedure is a suitable digestion method for the preparation of water samples for AAS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS analysis. If samples are being prepared for ICP-MS analysis, it is recommended to dilute them further due to the acid concentration in the final solution. Step 1:

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Ultra-Trace Analysis of Metals in Mineral Reference …

analytes and digestion method for each ore sample and CRM are summarized in Table 3. Various acid mixtures were used for digestion depending on the nature of the ores. Aqua regia digestions used a mixture of 6 mL HCl and 2 mL HNO 3. Reverse aqua regia digestion used a mixture of 6 mL HNO 3 and 2 mL HCl. Phosphoric acid digestion used 6 mL H 3 PO 4

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Iron Ore Tailings: Characterization and Applications

Currently, approximately 1.4 billion tons per year of iron ore tailing wastes (IOT) are generated, mainly in Australia, Brazil, and China. ... through acid digestion leading to complete leaching ...

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Comparative study of three digestion methods for elemental …

Finished products of traditional medicine samples were collected from three different states in the East Coast region of Peninsular Malaysia, namely Pahang, Terengganu, and Kelantan, from various commercial places of the sampling area. Finished herbal products used for medical purposes are herbal preparations that …

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Atomic absorption methods for analysis of some …

Methods of decomposition fall into two main classifications: acid, oxidizing and non-oxidizing; and fusion, acid or alkaline flux.

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E2941 Standard Practices for Extraction of Elements from …

1.1 These practices cover the digestion of ores and related metallurgical materials, such as mine soil, waste rock and tailings, for subsequent determination of acid-extractable contents of certain elements by such solution analytical techniques as atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry ...

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The Use of Acid Leaching to Recover Metals from Tailings: A …

One particularly significant and recently studied waste stream is mine tailings, a byproduct of sulfide ore concentration procedure [].These tailings are transported to tailings deposits [] with a focus on achieving chemical and physical stability [2,6].To meet these objectives, it is imperative to remove toxic agents and potential sulfuric acid producers, …

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ISO/TR 11422:1996

Recommends procedures for iron ore dissolution using either acid digestion or alkali fusion. Deals with the assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the two procedures. General information

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Sample Digestion of Base Metal Ores

For instance, in a 1999 application note, CEM chronicles a two-step methodology for the digestion of chromite ore; the first step makes use of a mixture of sulfuric, phosphoric, and nitric acids, while the second uses nitric acid, with the total digestion time being around 2 hours.

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Comparative study of three digestion methods for …

Acid digestion methods are generally used for the dissolution of herbal product samples prior to elemental analysis (Duyusen and Görkem 2011). In a spectroscopic elemental analysis sample preparation, acid digestion is an important step of the entire analytical procedure.

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E2941 Standard Practices for Extraction of Elements from …

1.1 These practices cover the digestion of ores and related metallurgical materials, such as mine soil, waste rock and tailings, for subsequent determination of acid-extractable …

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Rapid high-performance sample digestion of base metal …

Various acid digestion methods were developed for the selected ore samples under high intensity infrared radiation and delivered virtually complete recoveries of all of the …

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(PDF) Sample Digestion Methods for the …

Recent advances in digestion methods used in the analysis of precious metal samples by spectrometric techniques are reviewed. The applicability of a fire assay, a wet acid treatment,...

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Rapid high-performance sample digestion of base metal …

Various acid digestion methods were developed for the selected ore samples under high intensity infrared radiation and delivered virtually complete recoveries of all of the elements of interest. Chromite, the notoriously refractory chromium ore was digested within 10 min and gave recovery of chromium.

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Acid Method for the Digestion of Gold Ore Samples

They observed that the introduction of hydrofluoric acid to samples culminated in recoveries similar to those from instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). 2 In spite of the complications outlined above, due to cost-effectiveness and simple implementation, acid digestion has remained a desired but elusive method for the proper determination of gold.

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Method 3010A: Acid Digestion of Aqueous Samples and …

ACID DIGESTION OF AQUEOUS SAMPLES AND EXTRACTS FOR TOTAL METALS FOR ANALYSIS BY FLAA OR ICP SPECTROSCOPY 1.0 SCOPE AND APPLICATION 1.1 This digestion procedure is used for the preparation of aqueous samples, EP and mobility-procedure extracts, and wastes that contain suspended solids for analysis, by flame atomic absorption …

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Ore Grade Assay (Multi-Acid Digestion)

Ore Grade Assay (Multi-Acid Digestion) Some samples have elemental concentrations which exceed the limits of the trace geochemical packages. Ore grade analysis provides a higher dissolution for samples with a higher metal concentration.

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Quick Routine Acid Digestion of Iron and Copper Ores …

High temperature acid digestion with Multiwave 5000 in Rotor 20SVT50 can replace classical fusion/dissolution techniques. It provides liquid samples fit for element determination by ICP optical and mass spectroscopy as used in i ron and copper prospecting, mining and ore refining.

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How to Prepare Metal Alloy Samples for Analysis by ICP …

The acid digestion of metal alloy samples for ICP can be performed using hot-plate, commercially available microwave digestion apparatus or a ColdBlock system.

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(PDF) Sample Digestion Methods for the Determination of …

Recent advances in digestion methods used in the analysis of precious metal samples by spectrometric techniques are reviewed. The applicability of a fire assay, a wet acid treatment,...

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How to Prepare Metal Alloy Samples for Analysis …

The acid digestion of metal alloy samples for ICP can be performed using hot-plate, commercially available microwave digestion apparatus or a ColdBlock system.

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Roasting and Leaching Behavior of Nickel Laterite Ore

The success of the sulfation-roasting-leaching process depends on iron behavior. Due to its higher amount, it is sulfated before nickel. However, the stability of iron sulfates is lower than the nickel sulfate and during the decomposition of iron sulfate, the sulfur xide (SO 3) is liberated and reacts with nickel to form nickel sulfate.This mechanism can reduce considerably …

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