Minecraft Magneticraft Crushing Table

Crushing Table should only auto-replace the thing you're

Currently it searches inventory and places anything with valid output there. It should, instead, place nothing if the table is empty, place whatever you were hammering if it's found in …

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Crushing Table

Documentation for the CraftTweaker Minecraft mod, information on how to use the ZenScript language and a central wiki for mods that rely on it.

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Magneticraft Mod

Magneticraft Mod Wiki is a new industry mod. It adds a new ore, multi-block machine, as well as some great conveyor types. This is a mod for those who are looking for a more realistic approach to machines and factories. This mod …

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Crushing Table not making Aluminum plates #194

Whenever I go to make iron plates by crushing the iron ingot, the iron ingot just goes right back into my inventory. I really need this solved so I can progress so please let me know how to fix …

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Documentation for the CraftTweaker Minecraft mod, information on how to use the ZenScript language and a central wiki for mods that rely on it.

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Crushing Table

I can't seem to figure out how to make light iron plate using the crushing table. I can place a ingot on it but trying to hit it with any type hammer just picks the ingot back up.

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Crushing Table not processing other mod ores #5

I have configured my game so that all the ores come from the Substratum mod including the copper and lead ores, but they can't be processed in the crushing table. I expect the same is …

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Crushing Table

Documentation for the CraftTweaker Minecraft mod, information on how to use the ZenScript language and a central wiki for mods that rely on it. ... Crushing Table. Link to crushing-table. Importing the Package. Link to importing-the-package. ZenScript. Copy. import mods. magneticraft. ... //mods.magneticraft.CrushingTable.addHammer(IIngredient ...

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Magneticraft is a mod for those looking for more realistic approach to machines and factories. The mod includes huge multiblocks structures, a variety of machines, it's own power system (partially compatible with RF), heat …

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Crushing Table

place a crushing table, right click on the table with an iron ingot in the hand, take any magneticraft hammer and hold right click on the table. If you get the ingot back to you inventory, you should check the crushing table recipes in JEI and send a screenshot, maybe other mod is changin the recipes, maybe Unidict?

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Crushing Table · Issue #89 · Magneticraft-Team/Magneticraft …

I can't seem to figure out how to make light iron plate using the crushing table. I can place a ingot on it but trying to hit it with any type hammer just picks the ingot back up.

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Crushing Table | Magneticraft | CleanroomMC

Crushing Table (Magneticraft) Description Converts an input itemstack into an output itemstack when placed on top of the Crushing Table and interacted with by a Hammer which has.

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The following handlers are supported: Biomass Burner; Crusher; Crushing Table; Grinder; Oil Distillery; Polymerizer; Refinery; Sifter; Thermopile Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:

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