Slag Cement
Slag cement, made from steel-making byproducts, enhances the strength and durability of concrete while reducing waste, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions. Slag cement is …
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Using Slag Cement in Sustainable Construction
Slag cement is a byproduct of iron production in a blast furnace. It is a hydraulic cement that can replace between 20 to 80 percent of the portland cement in concrete (depending on application, see Table 1) and helps makes concrete even greener. Slag cement contributes the following sustainability ben-efits to concrete:
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Slag: a sustainable alternative for Portland cement concrete
This comprehensive review investigates into the convoluted world of slag cement utilization, methodically examining its application in a diverse array of concrete mixes and …
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233R-17: Guide to the Use of Slag Cement in Concrete …
The use of slag cement as a cementitious material dates back to 1774, when a mortar was made using slag cement in combination with slaked lime (Mather 1957). In 1862, a granulation process was proposed to facilitate removal and handling of …
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Using Slag Cement in Sustainable Construction
Slag cement is a byproduct of iron production in a blast furnace. It is a hydraulic cement that can replace between 20 to 80 percent of the portland cement in concrete (depending on …
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Slag Concrete
The slope is almost exactly 0.7 mol/L of OH – ion concentration per cent of Na 2 O eq in the cement. A slag cement CEM III/A containing 50% slag and a CEM I, both with the same amount of Na 2 O eq liberate respectively 36% and 70% of their alkalis in the pore solution (Table 10.17). 124 Similar results were published by Silsbee et al. 125 who ...
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Benefits of using slag cement
The hydration products of slag cement are generally found to be more gel-like (less crystalline) than the products of hydration of portland cement; thus, they reduce the permeability of the cement paste (ACI 233R). Slags are used as a replacement of portland cement in amounts typically between 25 and 70% of the total mass of cementitious material.
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Slag cement replacement can be 25 to 50 percent (by mass of cementitious material). Freeze - Thaw Durability 1. Concrete shall have a W/CM of 0.45. 2. Concrete shall have an adequate air - void system as defined in ACI 201. 3. Slag cement replacement can be 25 to 80 percent (by mass of cementitious material).
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233R-17: Guide to the Use of Slag Cement in Concrete …
The use of slag cement as a cementitious material dates back to 1774, when a mortar was made using slag cement in combination with slaked lime (Mather 1957). In 1862, a granulation …
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Exploration of steel slag by lignin and sodium citrate …
Currently large-scale utilization is an effective approach to solving the problem of SS accumulation and pollution. Because of the similar mineral phase structure of steel slag and cement, it can be applied to cement building materials to prepare CSS with a certain cement replacement ratio (Chen et al., 2022).The addition of SS also provides good economic benefits …
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Slag Cement
Slag cement, made from steel-making byproducts, enhances the strength and durability of concrete while reducing waste, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions. Slag cement is used in concrete for virtually any construction application, either in conjunction with traditional portland cement or Portland limestone cement (PLC) as a separate ...
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Construction and Building Materials
Alkali-activated slag recycled concrete (AASRC) is considered a potentially sustainable concrete, in which OPC and NA were replaced with alkali-activated slag (AAS) binder and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), respectively [5].AASRCs have received growing interest since they not only consume the construction and industrial wastes, but also reduce carbon …
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NewCem® Slag
NewCem® Slag Cement is a finely ground, granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) available to blend with conventional Portland cement to deliver a strong, high-quality, durable concrete. Concrete production utilizing NewCem consumes less energy and offers improved efficiency and building performance.
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ACI Publishes Guide to the Use of Slag Cement in Concrete …
The guide covers information on slag cement chemical properties and product types, storage, handling, batching, proportioning, and the effects on properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Various applications of slag cement are discussed including mass …
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ACI Publishes Guide to the Use of Slag Cement in Concrete …
The guide covers information on slag cement chemical properties and product types, storage, handling, batching, proportioning, and the effects on properties of fresh and hardened …
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Benefits of using slag cement
Slags are used as a replacement of portland cement in amounts typically between 25 and 70% of the total mass of cementitious material. Slag concretes have improved long-term strengths even though their early strength development is lower than portland cement concretes. They also have lower permeability and improved durability.
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Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Using Copper Slag as a Partial Cement
Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Using Copper Slag as a Partial Cement Substitute in Reinforced Concrete Buildings. March 2023; Buildings 13(3):746 ... eq units when used to retrofit reinforced ...
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A review on alkali-activated slag concrete
A review on alkali-activated slag concrete, Ain Shams Engineeri ng ... 1983 Langton and Roy Characterization of materials for ancient building. [32] ... and CS for AASC as presented in Eq. (4) ...
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Sustainable building material from CO2 mineralization slag: Aggregate
When compared with the 4-week air curing of building materials, the cementation process via mineralization curing can be achieved under a mild condition (<80 C, 0.1-40 bar) (Huang et al., 2019a ...
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Slag uses in making an ecofriendly and sustainable concrete: …
Slag is an excellent performance cementitious material, promoting to achieve higher compressive strength. To examine the influences of GGBFS and AAS on the …
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Approach to design sustainable alkali-activated slag recycled …
By using alkaline concrete activated with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), cement usage can be eliminated in concrete, which addresses the issue of CO 2 emissions concerned with the cement manufacturing process and promotes the use of industrial by-products as sustainable building materials. The current study focuses on proposing a ...
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Carbonation model for concretes with fly ash, slag, and …
Binder type, replacement level of SCMs, binder content, and water-to-binder ratio can influence the carbonation resistance of concrete [[9], [10], [11]].The use of fly ash and slag indicate a reduction in the OPC clinker content; this can lead to a reduction in carbonation resistance with increasing replacement level [12, 13].In addition to clinker reduction, the …
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Why Slag Cement? | SCA
Slag cement is a hydraulic cement formed when granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) is ground to suitable fineness and is used to replace a portion of portland cement. It is a recovered industrial by-product of an iron blast furnace.
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Slag uses in making an ecofriendly and sustainable concrete: A …
Slag is an excellent performance cementitious material, promoting to achieve higher compressive strength. To examine the influences of GGBFS and AAS on the morphological characteristics of concrete. To study the characteristic of high fineness GGBFS, to improve the microstructure property.
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Definition: granulated blast-furnace slag that has been finely ground and that is hydraulic cement.- ACI Concrete Terminology. The use of slag in concrete has several …
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Slag cement is used in durable concrete construction throughout the United States. This collection of videos and webinars are here to help answer any questions that may arise with slag cement use and to highlight outstanding projects that have used slag cement.
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Sustainability Potential Evaluation of Concrete with Steel Slag …
Testing physical and mechanical properties of nontraditional concrete with steel slag as a substitute for natural aggregates of 4/8 mm and 8/16 mm fractions confirmed the possibility of using slag ...
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Definition: granulated blast-furnace slag that has been finely ground and that is hydraulic cement.- ACI Concrete Terminology. The use of slag in concrete has several benefits, including reduced energy, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and reduced use of raw materials.
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Slag cement is used in durable concrete construction throughout the United States. This collection of videos and webinars are here to help answer any questions that may arise with slag cement …
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Benefits of using slag cement
Slags are used as a replacement of portland cement in amounts typically between 25 and 70% of the total mass of cementitious material. Slag concretes have improved long-term strengths …
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